Jordyn and I (well, maybe just mommy) enjoy playing dress up. Here she is in her new coat from Nana and a new outfit from Grammy! She also got a sweet (real) pearl necklace from her Nana. Mommy doesn't even own a real pearl.... :-)
Christmas was full of lots of events! We celebrated by going to Haydens mothers day out and watched him perform Christmas songs. Grammy and Pawpaw got to join us! Jordyn also got to meet her Aunt Terri for the very first time. We also travelled to Fort Smith and spent some time with cousins, celebrated my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary, and had Christmas with the Turner family. Christmas Eve we travelled back to Jacksonville and waited for Santa. He was very good to us this year. He brought Landen and Hayden a new Playstation 2 and new gameboys! (I won't mention that our old one was dropped in the toilet a few months ago) Jordyn received a baby doll, lots of new bows (for all that hair she has, ha!) and her first precious moments. Christmas afternoon we had a great visit from Uncle Steve, Nana, Pops and cousins Jack and Connor. Presents, presents everywhere....
After 3 years in Germany, we now live in Kuwait City, Kuwait. Matt and I have been married for 15 years and we have three children together. Landen is 12, Hayden is 8 and we have a little girl, Jordyn who is 4. Matt is serving his 16th year in the Air Force and has recently been selected for Lt. Colonel. I have been a stay at home mom for several years and have recently headed back to work. We have one more year of living life overseas and then we anticipate being back in the good ole' USA!