Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Who is this baby?

I dedicate this post to my own frustration of baby Jordyn! While I love her to death, she is definitely testing my patience in the last couple of weeks. Dear little Jordyn has become whiny, wiggly, no sleep, unhappy little Jordyn! I don't know what has happened... lets hope its only a phase. I think she is getting me back for all the nights she has slept since she was two weeks old. She has spoiled me, that's for sure. That being said, she has made some new accomplishments - she is sitting up for short periods of time (around a minute), rolling consistently from her tummy to her back so she can make it all the way across the floor now, and she is holding her own bottle (sort of!) lol.

We've all been sick for various reasons, but I think we are on the mend. We met with our realtor yesterday and are putting the house up for sale in about two weeks. We have lots to do before then - yard work, touch up paint, spring cleaning. The kids are out for Spring Break as of this afternoon for a week and a 1/2. We don't have much planned - maybe a few trips to the park, baseball practice and whatever the day may bring us. I just hope the weather is pretty.

Back to Jordyn, I think she's ready for her nap. She's wailing as I type this so I need to run. I'm including a picture of Hayden sucking his toes... he is continually making us laugh. He's so witty - I could write a book!

1 comment:

The Traxsons said...

Poor thing - hopefully it is just a phase and she'll be happy Jordyn again soon! I love the pic of Hayden sucking his toes, Ha!