Thursday, December 20, 2007

Trier - Christmas Market

Here's a slide show of the pictures from the Trier Christmas Market. The pictures are hard to see, but if you put the cursor on top of them it lightens them up a little bit. You can also double click on them and they will appear a little clearer and bigger at The market was incredible and crowded with lots of people. We didn't get to buy anything because we couldn't manage to get up to the booths, but we at least got to see what it's about. Next year, we will go during the day and in the middle of the week so it's not so crowded. There were lights, toys, souveneirs, and lots of new food to try out (although Jordyn had a melt down at the end and we had to leave so we didn't really get to sample any.) It was very cold as you can see we were all bundled up. I had taken pictures of the Porta Negra , but evidently they didn't turn out to well. We'll have to catch it in the daylight.

I can't believe Christmas is approaching so quickly. We've had lots of festivities and will have another kids party to attend tomorrow. We're looking forward to Nana and Pop visiting after Christmas! It will be nice to have some family around - even if only for a short time.


Leigh Ann said...

Hey, I know that you and Matt and kids will have a great time on Christmas. Just a few days away. This market looks awesome, right up my alley. Wish we could see you guys!

Terri said...

I'm jealous that you're in Europe! And pictures like this just stir it up more. Then I try to remember that I live by the ocean and it helps ease the jealousy a smidge.

Terri said...

So I'm thinking it's time for a new post. Maybe some Christmas pictures.