Me either! Let's discuss things. When a girl grows up blonde, and then becomes a dull brown headed woman, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Highlight. So, I began asking around about where to get my hair done. I was told I basically have one option on base. Or, I could drive an hour and a half to Ramstein to a German lady who speaks English. Now, I'm sure there are very nice German salons around, but I for one am not going in one anytime soon. The Germans idea of highlighting is a little different than the American idea. They go more for the "chunky" look. So, back to the base. Before I make an appointment I begin hearing people say, don't go there! They got black dye in a blonde womans hair, among other comments. Now, what are my options? Home.
I've done the home kits before, but only with my little sister. In fact, when we started, Landen said, "We need Terri here!" It's true. But I didn't think I could wait until next fall. My next best option at this point? Matt. To my delight, he agreed. :-) So, as we watched the Razorbacks lose on TV (our first game we actually got to see!), he highlighted my hair. Please pray for me Tuesday as I go get my haircut. lol
He did a great job. You know what? I think he actually kind of enjoyed it!!! Guess what, he'll probably get to do it again. And the best thing is, I'm blonde again - for a few months, anyway. Thank you, babe!!!
that's love, sista! what a good man. and you look great, with no bald spots. he might have a future after the're a gutsy lady and my hat's off to you in your time of desperation!
Matt and Jolee,
I love you blog---I am keeping up with you right along with Norma and Jimmy. Matt, I think you did a great job and there definitely is a future for you in the Beauty Consultant field!! Seriously, Jolee, it looks great. I have loved all the pics of the children. Love, Sue Cooper
GOOD JOB, MATT!! I'm quite impressed with your skills. And Jolee, let's not call it a dull brown yet. Let's call it a dull very dark blonde. I like to think my color hasn't quite reached the brown phase, but maybe that's because it looks lighter from all the gray hairs...which I like to pretend are actually light blonde!
Matt has found his second calling!! I agree with Amy- You are a gusty woman. I'm not sure I'd put my highlights in Chuck's hands!
I am laughing hysterically at the thought of Matt highlighting your hair. I will say that I am quite impressed with his colorist skills!
Yes that's the last thing I would have expected to see here! Looks great though!
Derek would never do that!
Gotta do what a girls gotta do. Way to go Matt:)
Jolee, I am laughing so is precious...He did a really good job! Matt, will you perm my hair? just kidding! Jolee, my favorite posts are ones like these....just a small glimse into everyday life. Highlighting and tube feeding husbands...who could ask for anything more? :)
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