Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So, I won't give you any background. Just curious.

How many of you stay at home moms, or working for that matter, get up and make your husband breakfast before they leave for work?

I'm looking forward to some comments on this one. :)


Sisters said...

Oh my goodness! I usually make the kids make their own breakfast! So, NO I don't make my dear hubby breakfast!

Terri said...

Gosh, if I had a hubby I would prepare him breakfast every single day. And by prepare, I mean I would lay his favorite pop-tart out on the counter the night before.

Mandy said...

Uh, NNOOOO!! He is a grown man, he knows where the pantry is....! And besides, he is a much better cook than I am!

Anonymous said...

absolutely NOT!!! I usually don't even make my kids breakfast!!! Now I do buy yogurt and we eat that alot for breakfast, but he knows where the fridge is and the silverware drawer!!

Matt and Jolee said...

Ahhh... that's what I like to hear, girls!

Sisters said...

I am with Terri.I DO lay his granola bar and bottle of water by his wallet every morning. That is my idea of homemade breakfast.

amy said...

even when he's here....that's a big N.O. i love him, but he's a grown man. i occasionally get the coffee maker ready for the next morning for him, and i'd love to be making him some coffee now, but he gets his own breakfast, and Lord knows, our family doesn't miss a meal! so, did Matt want you to make breakfast for him, is that what really happened? =)

Brandy said...

no way, he gets a power bar on his own :)

Mandy said...

Ok, Jolee, fess up....Did Mattie want you to make his breakfast???

Matt and Jolee said...
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The Traxsons said...

Ok, I have been super busy the past few days and it was MY husband who actually told me about this poll :)

Nope! I rarely get out of bed more than about 10 minutes before he leaves for work! ha!

Anonymous said...

I would provide my two cents, but I am having trouble reading this because I can't stomach is rumbling so loudly :)


Half-starved and Malnourished

amy said...
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Shannon said...

There's no way I'd get up that early. :) Now, this is something my mom probably does. haha

The Traxsons said...

I seriously doubt that Matt is a hungry as he lets on ;)

Greg, Kristy, and John Lleyton said...

Love this poll! Greg is not a breakfast eater, so I get out of this one pretty easy. However, I do start his coffee in the morning when I feel like it. Just as a nice gesture. What is great...he doesnt expect it. So when I do it...he thinks it is special...heheheh.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm cracking up reading this! And feeling glad to know that I don't need to worry about making breakfast if I get married!! Hi Jolee - glad to see you guys are doing so well. The kids are beautiful!