Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You're Gonna Miss This...

Well, the BIG day finally arrived. Kindergarten! Hayden was so excited over the weekend and couldn't wait. He was so giddy and excited and so cute. My alarm went off this morning and I jumped in the shower before waking the boys up. Before I knew it, we were off to school. He is going to ride the bus with Landen starting next week, but I wanted to take and pick him up until he is comfortable. The pictures show our morning...

Getting ready:

Waiting patiently until time to go:

A picture with mommy before we go:

It's finally time to go:

In front of school:

In line (that's his teacher - Mrs. Tovar):

Waving Bye:

Crying Mommy on the way home:

You would have thought it was a funeral after the kids went in. Mommies were crying everywhere. I mean BOO HOOING!!!! Yes, of course tears rolled down my face, but I held it 1/2 way together until I got to the car. Then, I lost it and cried the entire way home. I turned the radio on to get my mind off of it and guess what it plays? A country song (we only have one English speaking channel geared to Americans so we get a variety) called You're Gonna Miss This. I don't even know who sings it, but this made it 10 times worse for me! If you know the song I am talking about, you know what I mean. For those of you that don't, its about a daddy talking to his little girl about slowing down and enjoying life. Life goes by fast, you're gonna miss these moments of dropping your kids at school and screaming children while you're talking on the phone. Before you know it, you're kids are 30 years old, etc... You get the idea.

I can't wait to pick him up and see how his day went. :-) Thank goodness Terri is here to occupy me today!!

I picked him up and he had a big smile on his face. He can' t wait to go back tomorrow. It must have been a good day!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear his first day of Kindy went well. I think it's always harder on the Mommies than the kiddos.

Jason & Stacy said...

Congrads to Hayden!! He looks so cute and soooo ready. I hate that for us mommas who just want them to stay little.

The Traxsons said...

I'm so glad he had a good day! I'm sure he's enjoyed his whole week (since I'm a bit late reading about it!). You made me cry...thanks alot! Ha! By the way, I think I'm wearing (right now!) that shirt that you have on in the pics :)